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    Pet Loss

    “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”  Winnie the Pooh

    Has your pet been diagnosed with a terminal illness? Are you struggling to cope with the loss of your beloved companion? Has sudden pet loss caused you to feel anxious or depressed? Like so many other people, your pet is a part of your family, your confidante, and loyal friend. Whether it is unexpected or sudden, or you had time to prepare, pet loss can be unimaginably difficult.

    Grieving the Loss of a Pet

    Grieving the loss of a pet can be an acutely lonely experience. Often, traditional systems of support are unavailable, as people around you minimize and fail to understand the special relationship and deep connection you and your pet shared. You might hear things like, “now you can get a new pet” or “it’s just a pet!”

    Sometimes, people can grieve more for the death of a pet than a person. The unconditional love you experienced from your pet was a meaningful experience that is heartbreaking to be wrenched from. As with any other loss, this process should be respected and worked through in a caring environment. A specially trained therapist for life transitions can help you move through this grief with compassion.

    Self-Care and Healing

    Self-care practices like meditation, exercise, and healthy eating can help in your healing process. Speaking one-on-one with a mental health professional can help you process and move through this loss or change. How long it takes to integrate the loss of your pet is entirely personal. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to grieve or a timeline. Don’t try to hurry the process but allow it to unfold naturally.

    If you’re struggling to cope with the loss of a pet, together, we can get you through this difficult time and help you find healing along the way.